Thursday, January 27, 2011

Keys Fortune

Among the things that occupy most of the hearts of Muslims is to seek his fortune. And according to the observations, some Muslims hold the view that Islam would reduce their fortune. Not only that, even more severe and more distressing that there are some people who still want to maintain some Islamic law obligations but they think that if you want to get the ease and reliability of the materials in the field of economics should close the eyes of most Islamic laws, especially those with respect to halal and haram.
They forget or pretend to forget that the Creator does not make his religion only as a guide for mankind in the Hereafter and contemplates the happiness they were there alone. But God made this religion also showed man in matters of life and their happiness in the world. Even prayers were offered that often our Prophet, beloved Lord of Hosts, who maketh as an example to mankind is:

"O our Lord, grant us goodness in the world and the Hereafter, and guard us from the torment of Hell-fire." Glorious God and His Apostle did not leave the Muslims without a clue in the dark, are in doubt in an attempt to make a living. But otherwise, the causes of fortune that has been arranged and described. If these people want to understand it, realize it, sticking with it and using it causes well, Allah the Almighty Giver of fortune and power will make it easier to reach the streets to get a fortune from every direction, and will be opened to him for blessing from the sky and earth. 

below are the keys to get good fortune
  • Istighfar and Taubat
  • Godly
  • Resignation to God
  • Fully worship to God
  • Continuing with the Umrah Hajj
  • Silaturrahim
  • Infaq in God's Way
  • Infaq to the Prosecutor Science syari 'Completely
  • Do good to people who Weak
  • Hijrah in God's Way

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